Vietnam War photographer Tim Page dies at 78, Did he have any disease?

Tim Page was a British-Australian photographer, war correspondent, and author. Tim was one of the best photographers of the Vietnam War who gained popularity from the Vietnam War. Tim was famous for his struggles and dramatic photographs.

Vietnam War photographer Tim Page dies at 78

Tim Page was at Tunbridge Wells, England on 25 May 1944. He died at the age of 78 on 24 August 2022 in New South Wales, Australia due to liver cancer. Tim was fighting a battle with liver cancer for a long time and on August 24, his life gave up, and he lost the battle of his life. 

After majoring in photography, Tim worked as a press photographer at UPI and AFP. In 1969 Tim became a press-credentialed freelance photographer in Vietnam and Cambodia. Works as a contract photographer for Tom Crawdaddy and Rolling Stone Publications.

Tim shot approximately 25% of the “Miles of the Gods: Vietnam for the CBC” series document. The Yeh Document series was filmed by Eric Durschmied. Tim was hired to shoot when Eric Durschmeid became ill. The film won the Canadian Film and Best Television Documentary awards.

Tim also has some publications which Page after Page: Memoirs of a War-Torn Photographer (1988), Tim Page’s Nam (1983), The Mindful Moment (2001), Derailed in Uncle Ho’s Victory Garden (1995), The Mindful Moment (2001), Sri Lanka (1984), Requiem (1997), Ten Years After: Vietnam Today (1987).

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